Join the Creek Wildlife Watch (CreWW) initiative
Join the Creek Wildlife Watch (CreWW) initiative and help record the wildlife in and around our creek

Many of us regularly spend time watching the wildlife within the creek, whether we are on foot with our binoculars or out on the water.
Creek Wildlife Watch is a long term initiative launched jointly with Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s Environmental Recording Centre to encourage formal recording of the wildlife in and around Restronguet Creek.
We ask you to send in details of your sightings to the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS) direct so they become part of the official record.
It’s really easy to do. And, these days, you can collect and submit details of your sightings via your mobile phone (even without mobile signal) using the Online Recording Kernow and Scilly (ORKS) app or via the website.
We would encourage you to submit your wildlife records, whatever your experience and no matter how common or widespread the species. Your records will help improve our understanding of the natural history of Cornwall and, in particular, Restronguet Creek, as well as to be used in decision-making, education, research and other public benefit purposes.